Upcoming Exhibit: Focus on Black & White

Focus on Black & White

A group show at Middlesex Bank in Natick

New England Light Painters

April – June 2013

All members of New England Light Painters (NELP) and other local photographers are invited to submit their work for this special group exhibit at Middlesex Bank in Natick.   All of our exhibits at the Middlesex Bank are under the auspices of The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN).

The theme for this exhibit is black & white photography.  Any image that is entirely or substantially black & white may be submitted.  Both conventional photographs and manipulated creative photographs are welcome.  We would like to feature multiple works per artist, so consider submitting works of a similar sub-theme or grouping.  Also, keep in mind this is a public venue so please use discretion when selecting your subject matter for submission.

Your submission for judging will be by email.  Images must be in JPG format, no larger than 1200 pixels wide/high.  File size must be under 500KB (use sufficient compression).  Your image file name should be in the format:


The #W and #H are the width and height of the framed photograph (including the frame), in inches; price in whole dollars (no cents) or NFS if print is not for sale.  For example, JohnPublic-MyPiano-20W-16H-175.jpg would be a valid file name.  Submit your images by email to David Kahn (ArtPhotos[at]DavidLKahn.com).  You will be notified by email if your work has been selected for this exhibit.

All accepted photographs submitted for hanging must be framed and wired (no sawtooth).  Please make sure your framed artwork is labeled with your name, preferred contact information (email and/or phone number), artwork title and price, and make sure the exhibit organizer has all of this information.  We will prepare labels for each piece with this information, and an exhibit price list.


  • Each artist may submit up to five (5) images by email for judging (no fee).
  • All work submitted for hanging must be framed and wired (no sawtooth).
  • Interested parties will contact you directly if they are interested in purchasing your work.
  • There is a commission due to TCAN from any sales resulting from this exhibit.   (25% for TCAN members, 30% for non-members).  Artists are encouraged to join TCAN.
  • Sold work must remain at Middlesex Bank for the duration of the exhibit.
  • TCAN has limited insurance for artwork on display.  NELP is not responsible for any artwork.
  • We will not be having a reception for this exhibit, due to Middlesex Bank policy.

Schedule summary:

03/09/2013 (5 pm) – Images for judging due by email (ArtPhotos[at]DavidLKahn.com) – You will receive confirmation of submission via email.  If you don’t receive a confirmation email within 24 hours of submission, please follow up with David.

03/16/2013 – Artists notified of images selected.

04/06/2013 (9 – 10 am) – Framed work due at bank.

04/08/2013 through 06/29/2013 – Show is open to the public

06/29/2013 (9 – 10 am) – Pick up work at bank.