Call for Images

Welcome to our new website!

I have to say I’ve had fun putting this new site together.  David and I are very happy with the result… we hope you are too.

You may have noticed the photograph in the header.  Right now it’s a single image, but there’s a feature we can activate that will turn the static image into a slideshow.  To do that we need images.  If you’d like to have your image(s) considered to be included in the header, please follow these directions —

  1. Submit your images directly to me: dennisditto (at)
  2. Images must be 960 pixels wide by 300 pixels high, 72 ppi
  3. Images must be 8-bit sRGB, JPG or PNG format, 500K or less
  4. Watermark your images, subtle but visible
  5. Please include your name and image title(s) in your submission
  6. If you have any questions, just ask

Once we build up a good size gallery of images, we’ll activate the slideshow feature, so check back to see if your image has been chosen.

Thanks in advance for your submissions!
