Welcome to our new website!
I have to say I’ve had fun putting this new site together. David and I are very happy with the result… we hope you are too.
You may have noticed the photograph in the header. Right now it’s a single image, but there’s a feature we can activate that will turn the static image into a slideshow. To do that we need images. If you’d like to have your image(s) considered to be included in the header, please follow these directions —
- Submit your images directly to me: dennisditto (at) gmail.com
- Images must be 960 pixels wide by 300 pixels high, 72 ppi
- Images must be 8-bit sRGB, JPG or PNG format, 500K or less
- Watermark your images, subtle but visible
- Please include your name and image title(s) in your submission
- If you have any questions, just ask
Once we build up a good size gallery of images, we’ll activate the slideshow feature, so check back to see if your image has been chosen.
Thanks in advance for your submissions!